Daylilies - Garfield Gardens Daylily Perennials

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Addie Branch Smith
Addie Branch Smith
Orchid rose with dark purple eyezone and dark green foliage. 20" tall, mid-season bloom. (Henry)

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Amethyst Art
Amethyst Art
Double Lavender self, 18" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Kropf)

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Angelic Grin
Angelic Grin
Double ruffled light rose with dark petal edge, 20" tall, midseason bloom. (Joiner E)

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Dark red self with a fine lighter center. 32 " tall, mid-season bloom. (Griesbach-Hardy)

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Artistic Trim
Artistic Trim
Ruffled gold self. Smaller in height. 18" tall, mid-season bloom. (Russell)

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Autumn Blush
Autumn Blush
Rose and yellow, 30" tall, mid-season bloom.

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Bama Music
Bama Music
Pale pink with yellow throat. 28" tall, mid-season bloom. (Hardy)

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Beyond Thunder Dome
Beyond Thunder Dome
Violet burgunndy self, 30" tall, mid-season bloom (Hardy).

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Rebloomer, small 2" yellow, 16" tall, early-season bloom.

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Black Plush
Black Plush
Velvety red black self spider, 32" tall, mid-season bloom (Connell).

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Bright Sunset
Bright Sunset
Dusty burnt orange with deeper halo and green yellow throat, 36" tall, Early-bloom (Rudolph).

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Bold Ruler
Bold Ruler
A rose bitone, good color and good grower. 36" tall, mid-season bloom.

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Bright Memories
Bright Memories
Large pinkish flower with a yellow throat. 30" tall, mid-season bloom.

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Broadmare Wilma
Broadmare Wilma
Bright yellow with creoed edges. Has a light diamond dust on 5" flowers. 35" tall, early-season bloom. (Norton)

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Golden melon, ruffled, 26" tall, early-mid season bloom (Wild).

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 Cardinal Hager
Cardinal Hager
Cherry pink, deep cherry eye. 24" tall, late-season bloom.

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 Cherry Carnival
Cherry Carnival
Cherry pink, deep cherry eye. 24" tall, late-season bloom.

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Chicago Regal
Chicago Regal
Purple with a deeper eyezone and a green throat. 30" tall, mid-season bloom. (Marsh)

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Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Crimson red with green throat. 34" tall, mid-season bloom. (Wild)

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Circus Wheel
Circus Wheel
Red with green throat, 30" tall, mid-season bloom

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Wine Purple, white edge, green throat, 26" tall, early-midseason bloom.

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Copper Kettle Hager
Copper Kettle Hager
Deep shining copper color set off by brown eye, 32" tall, mid-season bloom. (Hagerstrom)

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Crawley Crow
Crawley Crow
Black with yellow eye. 36" tall, mid-season bloom (Lambert).

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Doll House
Doll House
Pink and orange blend, 27" tall, early-mid season bloom.

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Double Cupcake
Double Cupcake
Grape purple self with green throat, 25" tall, mid-season rebloomer, (Kropf).

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Douglas Clark
Douglas Clark
Silvery rose with lemon throat, 28" tall, mid-season rebloomer (Shooter).

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Elegant Candy
Elegant Candy
Pink flowers with a triangular red eye and a green throat, 25" tall, early season (Stamile).

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English Muffin
English Muffin
Double flowers whose bi-colors perfectly describe it's name. 34" tall, late-season bloom. (Lambert)

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Evening Enchantment
Evening Enchantment
Deep purple self with grass green throat, 26", Early midseason (Stamile).

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Fabulous Favorite
Fabulous Favorite
Large 7" raspberry red flowers with a chartreuse throat. 26" tall, early-season bloom. (Lankart)

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Farnsworth Spider
Farnsworth Spider
Spider, Purple eyezone with gold flower, 30" tall, early-season bloom.  

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Spider, Bright red over gold, 31" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Kreckler)

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 Fooled Me
Fooled Me
Flashy yellow-gold with red eye and red picotee edge, 24" tall, early-mid season bloom. (Reilly-Hein)

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Forsyth Yule Tide
Forsyth Yule Tide
Rebloomer, Redself bright color, 31" tall, midseason bloom. (Lefever)

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Ginger Creek
Ginger Creek
Copper yellow flower with a redish eyezone. 28" tall, mid-season bloom..

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Glistening Boquet
Glistening Boquet
Rose-pink with deep ruffling, 28" tall, mid-season bloom. (Benz)  

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Glowing Boquet
Glowing Boquet
Rebloomer, Bright pink self, 27" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Dougherty)

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Gold Prize
Gold Prize
A late blooming award winner. Gold throughout the 7" bloom. 26" tall, late-season bloom. (Peck)

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 Golden Diamond
Golden Diamond
Golden/orange in color, 30" tall, mid-season bloom.  

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Golden Gift
Golden Gift
Gold Self with green throat, 32" tall, mid-season bloom

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Grecian Key
Grecian Key
Melon color flower with a yellow throat. 28" tall, mid-season bloom..

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Green Eyed Cat
Green Eyed Cat
Light Pink petals with green throat, 26" tall, midseason bloom. (McRae)

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Hall's Pink
Hall's Pink
Dusky pink with deep rose eyezone. 20" tall, mis-season bloom (Hall)

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Ruffled golden self, ruffles are busy on this 4.5" display. 28" tall, mid-season bloom. (Hardy)

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Happy Hager
Happy Hager
Deep rose -pink flowers, ruffled and wide petals. 34" tall, late-season. (Hagerstrom)

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House of Orange
House of Orange
Deep rose -pink flowers, ruffled and wide petals. 34" tall, late-season. (Hagerstrom)

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Ice Carnival
Ice Carnival
Fluted, ruffled, near white with a green throat. 28" tall, mid-season bloom. (Childs)

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Flate yellow flower with green throat. 32" tall, mid-season bloom.  

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Jasper Devil
Jasper Devil
Jasper red self with green throat, 32" tall, Midseason bloom (Wild).

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Jersey Spider
Jersey Spider
Spider, Brilliant orange-gold blooms, 46" tall, late-season bloom. (Grovatt)

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Joe Marinello
Joe Marinello
Cream with wine purple eyezone, gold edge, 21" tall, early-season bloom. (Stamile)

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Wine red self with chartreuse green throat, 20", Early bloom (Gates-L.).

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Jubilee Pink
Jubilee Pink
Diamond duste bright pink with lighter midrib and a green throat, 28" tall, mid to late-season (Spalding).

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Justin Paul
Justin Paul
Rose with crimson red eye above green throat, 22" tall, Midseason (Bell-T).

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Katherine Harris
Katherine Harris
Spider, Tangerine gold blend creamy ribs, 34" tall, midseason bloom. (Reinke)

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Kindly Light
Kindly Light
Yellow spider. 32" tall, mid-season bloom.

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Nice large yellow, 36" tall, mid-season bloom.

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Kobie Hager
Kobie Hager
Apricot-orange color, 34" tall, late-mid season bloom (Hagerstrom/Wadekamper)

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Lands End
Lands End
Purple with black purple eye, 23" tall, midseaon bloom (Millikon)

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Laura Ingalls
Laura Ingalls
Large yellow flower with yellow throat. 30" tall, late-season bloom..

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Last Flight Out
Last Flight Out
Near white with dark violet navy eyezone above lime green throat, 22" tall, Early midseason ( Hansen).

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Lemon Crisp
Lemon Crisp
7" pale yellow flowers with creped edges. The fragrant flowers have a light green throat. 30" tall, mid-season bloom. (McEwen)

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Lemon Hager
Lemon Hager
Lemon yellow with crimped edges and green throat, 36" tall, mid-season bloom. (Hagerstrom)

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Lemon Mint
Lemon Mint
Lemon yellow self, 36" tall, mid-season bloom

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Lilac Greetings
Lilac Greetings
Creamy lavender with purple eye. 24" tall, mid-season bloom. (Wild)

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Little Fantastic
Little Fantastic
Rose pink self with green throat, 20" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Cunningham)

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Little Greenie
Little Greenie
Small glowing yellow-green, 18" tall, midseason bloom. (Winniford)

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Little Joe
Little Joe
The 2.5" flowers are a rich deep rose red with a green throat. Very showy. 30" tall, mid-season bloom. (Howe)

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 Little Wart
Little Wart
Light lavender bloom, fragrant. 24" tall, mid-season bloom. (Spalding)

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Little Wine Cup
Little Wine Cup
Wine colored self with a green throat. A tendency to rebloom. 20" tall, early-season bloom (Carter-Powell)

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Little Women
Little Women
Buff pink with red eyezone and green throat, ruffled petals, 26" tall, early-season bloom (Wild).

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Live Wire Beauty
Live Wire Beauty
Strawberry pink, darker veining, green throat, 25" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Millikan)

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Mae West
Mae West
Shrimp rose reverse bitone with green throat heavily ruffled. 20" tall, late-season bloom. (Weston)

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 Marianne Russell
Marianne Russell
Pink bloom with darker yellow/green throat. 28" tall, early-season bloom..

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Mary Jane
Mary Jane
A light pink, 6" flower. Has a slight fragrence and nice branching. 26" tall, mid-season bloom. (Webster)

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Rose wine and gold throat, 30" tall, early-mid season bloom (Wild).

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Maude's Valentine
Maude's Valentine
Light cream pink and lavender blend, 32" tall, midseason bloom. (Shooter)

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Mexican Pottery
Mexican Pottery
Copper blend with a copper-red eye and a yellow throat. 36" tall, early-season bloom. (Davis-Daniels)

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Bright red self with a yellow throat. 30" tall, late-season bloom.

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Miss Jessie
Miss Jessie
Orchid mauve and light yellow bicolor, 40" tall, Midseason Bloom (Hardy).

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Misty Lavender
Misty Lavender
Lavender bloom with yellow/green throat. 28" tall, mid-season bloom.

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New Age
New Age
Cream white with violet eye and edge, 30" tall, Early midseason bloom (Harry-P)

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Orchid Corsage
Orchid Corsage
Lavender pink self with light yellow throat, 32" tall, rebloomer.

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 Palomino Moon
Palomino Moon
Palomino blend with green throat, Huges flowers. 26" tall, late-season bloom. (Stamile)

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Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box
Cream with purple eye, 19" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Talbott)

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Passion for Red
Passion for Red
Scarlet red with a chartreuse green throat, 27" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Stamile)

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Passionate Adonis
Passionate Adonis
Deep rose with deep rose red eyezone and green throat, 25" tall, Midseason bloom (Billingslea)

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Violet with belladonna eyezone and citronella throat, 26" tall, Early bloom (Lambert)

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Pearl Hager
Pearl Hager
Light pearl ivory, 26" tall, late-season bloom.

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 Pet Lamb
Pet Lamb
A very nice ruffled, small-flowered yellow. A slight blush of pink over the petals. 30" tall, mid-season.

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Pillar of Fire
Pillar of Fire
Large flowers of brilliant red-orange color with gold center which radiates out on the petal. 34" tall, mid-season bloom. (Lambert)

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 Pink Adobe
Pink Adobe
Pink with yellow throat, 26" tall, midseason bloom.

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 Pink Charm
Pink Charm
Deep coral. 28" tall, mid-season bloom. (Nesmith)

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Pink Embers
Pink Embers
Pink salmon self, 19" tall, early-mid season bloom (Wild).

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Pink Eyed Susan
Pink Eyed Susan
Pink bloom with darker pink eyezone and yellow throat. 28" tall, late-season bloom..

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Pink Monday
Pink Monday
Rose pink self with green throat, 26" tall, midseason bloom. (Sellers)

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Pink Peppermint
Pink Peppermint
Shell pink self with cream-green throat, 32" tall, Midseason-Late bloom (Joiner-J)

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Pink Super Spider
Pink Super Spider
Mauve pink spider, enormous flowers, 32" tall, midseason bloom. (Carpenter)

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Pixie Girl
Pixie Girl
Red pixie, 25" tall, mid-season bloomer.

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Pixie Parsol
Pixie Parsol
Apricot peach 2.25" blooms with green throat. Up to 50 buds per stem. 24" tall, early-season bloom. (Hudson)

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Pixie Prince
Pixie Prince
Fragrant 2.5" blooms of grape-purple blend with white midribs and green-yellow throat. 26" tall, early-season bloom. (Barrere-Moldovan)

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Playful Discourse
Playful Discourse
Light Lavender with purple eye zone, 27" tall, late-midseason bloom. (Millikan)

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Prague Spring
Prague Spring
Flesh and green blend with pistachio and green throat, 30" tall, mid-season bloom (Lambert)

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Prairie Belle
Prairie Belle
Rose pink with wide silver tan band, 26" tall, mid-season bloom (Marsh)

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Prairie Blue Eyes
Prairie Blue Eyes
Lavender with near blue eyezone and a green and gold throat. 28" tall, mid-season bloom. (Marsh)

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Prairie Chief
Prairie Chief
Bright red self with a yellow throat. 27" tall, mid-season bloom. (Marsh)

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Prairie Fire
Prairie Fire
Yellow cream with red coral eye, 26" tall, midseason bloom (Salter)

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Prairie Moonlight
Prairie Moonlight
Large 8" cream self with a green throat. 34" tall, mid-season bloom. (Marsh)

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Prairie Queen
Prairie Queen
Pastel color. Soft pink with ruffled edges and finer foliage. 34" tall, early-season bloom. (Marsh)

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Raining Violets
Raining Violets
Violet with cream mid ribs, 20" tall, late-mid season bloom (Wild).

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Ralph Henry
Ralph Henry
Red bloom with yellow throat. 28" tall, mis-season bloom.

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 Raspberry Pixie
Raspberry Pixie
Raspberry blend. 24" tall, mid-season bloom. (Willamson)

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 Raspberry Sunshine
Raspberry Sunshine
Coral apricot, 30" tall, early-midseason rebloomer (Carpenter)

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Red Ribbons
Red Ribbons
Red self with greenish yellow throat, 42" tall, Midseason bloom ( Lenington-G)

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Red Top
Red Top
Red petals with yellow star shaped throat. 32" tall, late-season bloom.

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Red Volunteer
Red Volunteer
Rich red, 28" tall, early-mid season bloom (Oakes).

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Large dark red bloom with light ruffled edges. 30" tall, mid-season bloom.

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Ribbon Candy
Ribbon Candy
Classic spider, Long narrow petals. The flowers are yellow and pink with a light stripe in the petal center. 34" tall, mid-season bloomer

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 Rocket City
Rocket City
Bittersweet orange with orange eye. 36" tall, early-season bloom. (Hardy)

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Root Beer
Root Beer
Dark red with yellow throat, 32" tall, mid-season bloom

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Rose Corsage
Rose Corsage
Rose with rose throat, 21" tall, early-mid season bloom (Stamile).

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Rose Emily
Rose Emily
Rose self with green throat, 18" tall, Midseason rebloom (Pierce)

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Ruby Spider
Ruby Spider
Ruby red self, 34" tall, early season bloom. (Stamile)

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Ruffled Royalty
Ruffled Royalty
Royal purple, pie crust ruffling, 26" tall, midseason bloom. (Moldovan)

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Shadow Passage
Shadow Passage
Lavender with rose lavender eye, 28" tall, midseaon bloom (Hanson)

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Siloam Bye Lo
Siloam Bye Lo
Rose, deep rose-red with green throat. 22" tall, mid-season bloom. (Henry)

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Siloam Ethel Smith
Siloam Ethel Smith
Pale creamy pink with deep rose. 20" tall, mis-season bloom. (Henry)

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Siloam Fine Art
Siloam Fine Art
Purple with purple eye, 20" tall, early-midseason bloom (Henry)

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Siloam Pink Petite
Siloam Pink Petite
Pale pink with faint rose halo around a deep green and yellow throat. 22" tall, mid-season bloom. (Henry)

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Siloam Shocker
Siloam Shocker
Pink with red eye, 28" tall, midseason bloom (Henry)

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Sister Evelyn
Sister Evelyn
Full peach double, 32" tall, late season bloom. (Stamile)

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So Lovely
So Lovely
Creamy white flower stands high above the foliage. 34" tall, late-season bloom. (Lennington)

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Beautiful golden yellow, 36" tall, mid-season bloom

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Sparkling Pink
Sparkling Pink
Pink self with green throat, 22" tall, Early midseason (Carpenter-K)

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Copper spider with red tips. 40" tall, Mid-season bloom. (Wilson)

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Star of Fantasy
Star of Fantasy
Cream-green/lavender bicolor with cream-green eye, 40" tall, mid-late season bloom. (McRae)

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Someone Special
Someone Special
Pink with darkeye. 26" tall, mid-season bloom. (Sikes)

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Stella De Oro
Stella De Oro
Wide bright golden miniature. Blooms from the end of May until freeze up. 11" tall. (Jablonski)

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Strawberry Candy
Strawberry Candy
Strawberry pink blend with rose red eye and edge, 26" tall, early-mid season rebloomer. (Stamile)

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Strawberry Rose
Strawberry Rose
Rose pink self with green throat, 27" tall, midseason bloom. (Peck)

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Suburban Christian Cole
Suburban Christian Cole
Cream yellow with gold double edge green throat, 26" tall, Early midseason (Watts)

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Sultan's Ruby
Sultan's Ruby
Ruby red with a green throat. One of the best reds. 24" tall, late-season bloom. (Munson)

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Summer Flair
Summer Flair
Very rich velvety red, profuse bloomer. Has a darker sheen in the center and a light green throat. 30" tall, late-season bloomer. (Russell)

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Sunset Hager
Sunset Hager
A wealth of sunset colors. Simply beautiful with bright laughing colors. 34" tall, late-season bloom. (Hagerstrom/Wadekamper)

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Redish velvet bloom with small yellow throat. 28" tall, mid-season bloom..

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Tennessee Flycatcher
Tennessee Flycatcher
Creamy lavender spider with dark burgundy eyezone, 34" tall, Early midseason (Harris-Reinke)

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Tet Mary Kirk
Tet Mary Kirk
Pink bloom with hint of orange, 30" tall, mid-season bloom

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Cream with purple eye, 32" tall, midseason bloom. (Sellers)

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Tiger Eye Hager
Tiger Eye Hager
Large, bold, tan flowers with brown center. 36" tall, mid-season bloom. (Hagerstrom)

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Tobie Hager
Tobie Hager
Light apricot-orange color. Very short supply. 34" tall, late-season bloomer. (Hagerstrom/Wadekamper)

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Todd Monroe
Todd Monroe
Light buff with a bright fuchsia eyezone and green throat. Reblooms. 20" tall, early-season bloom. (Sholar)

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Treasure of Love
Treasure of Love
Huge lavender rose, deep fluted edges, 26" tall, early-mid season bloom.

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Tropic Tangerine
Tropic Tangerine
A melon-rosi bi-tone with orchid mid-ribs. 6" flowers, 34" tall, late-season bloom. (Wild)

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Velma's Wow
Velma's Wow
7" flowers of bright yellow with a green throat. 26" tall, early-season bloom. (Hankins)

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Vera Biaglow
Vera Biaglow
Pink with gray edges, 28" tall, late-midseason bloom. (Moldovan)

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Double with tight ruffles, wine eye, 22" tall, early-midseaon bloom (Trimmer)

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Westward Wind
Westward Wind
Huge red spider with wide yellow throat, 34" tall, mid-season bloom (Stamile).

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Which Way Jim
Which Way Jim
Dark deep purple with darker purple eyezone with gold throat, 26" tall, mid-season bloom (Shooter)

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White Formal
White Formal
Near white self with green throat on 6" flowers. An open petal display that shows well. 30" tall, mid-season bloom. (Lenington)

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White Orchid
White Orchid
Light cream, almost white daylily. 30" tall, late-season bloom. (Bach)

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Wild Heart
Wild Heart
Deep velvety red with plum overcast and a soft throat. 24" tall, late-season. (Wild)

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Wild Ruffles
Wild Ruffles
Light honey tinted with pink blends, wide ruffled petals, 30" tall, mid to late-season bloom (Wilds/Wadekamper).

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Wineberry Candy
Wineberry Candy
Rebloomer, Orchid with purple eye and green throat, 22" tall, early-midseason bloom. (Stamile)